Finding the best local businesses, together!
Understanding Trusty
A Community-Curated Directory
“We love shopping here. Affordable second-hand...
Trusty’s rankings
Here’s how it works.
Highlight businesses that were initially added by community members and have financially supported our project, granting them top visibility in their category and region.
Include businesses added by the community that have confirmed their details within the last 30 days, ensuring up-to-date information and high reliability, sorted by popularity.
Businesses added by the community that haven't verified their information recently, displayed below Verified Listings and sorted by popularity.
Have more questions?
Have more questions?
Yes, Trusty is completely free to use. Our mission is to support local business owners in Mauritius and improve the quality of life by making it easier to discover and share businesses.
You can find businesses in Mauritius on Trusty by using our search function or by sharing your profile link with friends to recommend and discover businesses together.
Trusty is a list of businesses recommended by our community members, ensuring trustworthy and up-to-date information. Unlike Google Maps, where outdated or incomplete listings can be prevalent, Trusty verifies and updates business contact information monthly.
Users have a personal profile on Trusty to showcase businesses they have voted for. This profile is accessible via, making it easy to share recommendations with friends seeking advice.
When you share your Trusty profile link with friends, they can follow you. This allows them to see businesses you recommend individually. For example, if Sarah shares her Trusty profile link with her friend Emma, Emma can follow Sarah’s profile. Next time Emma wants to find a good restaurant, she can easily check Sarah’s recommendations on Trusty.
Trusty may eventually offer advertising positions, available only to businesses recommended by community members. Our primary focus, however, remains on providing a reliable platform for community-driven recommendations.
A WhatsApp group profile on Trusty features businesses recommended by members of a specific WhatsApp group, such as “Moms of the North.” By adding Trusty’s phone number to their group, members can view the businesses most trusted by their group on a dedicated page created by Trusty within 24 hours.
Using a WhatsApp group profile allows users to discover businesses recommended by people they trust. Unlike platforms like Google Maps, which rank businesses based on review volume, Trusty emphasizes trusted recommendations from personal connections within WhatsApp groups.
Currently, we prioritize providing essential information to ensure a consistent quality experience for our users. As a small team starting out, we strive to strike a balance between enhancing user experience and keeping the platform free and accessible to everyone in Mauritius. While we understand the importance of additional details like photos and extended descriptions, scaling these features requires careful planning and development as we grow.
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Desktop is coming soon. Check us out on mobile!
Scan the QR code to the right to get started searching and sharing your favourite local businesses. Thank you so much for your support in this exciting community led project!